January 29, 2005
JHymn keeps iTunes alive
It's nice to know we have some options to keep our purchased tunes alive forever. I'm reminded that I've had several Macs over the past 20 years starting with System 6 (I think) and I can't run a single program that I bought that long ago--but I can still play that Police Synchronicity CD. I like to think that I'll be able to run OS X software that far in the future, but I'm not going to bet all my purchased music on it...
January 21, 2005
Paul Graham's Graduation Advice
I found a lot of truth in this essay. Note that Paul Graham is a hacker/programmer, and his essay comes from that point-of-view, but he certainly has a way with words. I like to think that I have followed his advice along the way to where I am, but in some ways I know I haven't. I think I'll make a point of re-reading this off-and-on. I'll also be forwarding this to my niece in high school.
January 18, 2005
I finally found out where Paul Haeberli is: http://laminadesign.com/
As always, very cool stuff.
[Paul Haeberli is a graphics futurist who had an office near mine when I worked at SGI/AGD in 7 Upper. He's quite well-known in the 3d graphics industry. Here's a pointer to his Grafica Obscura page.]
January 15, 2005
January 12, 2005
Hibernating in Summer
summer. I wonder what we'll find after studying this little monkey...
January 09, 2005
Wendy's first use for the Xbox
We found an aerobic/yoga/fitness "game" called Yourself Fitness. Basically, it is a glorified areobic tape, but it appears to be a great way to get personalized aerobic workout without the repetitiveness of a VHS/DVD. It does an interview to find out your fitness level, asks about your goals and creates an individual program for you. The instructor appears onscreen and leads you as in a regular tape, but she's completely computer-generated. The graphics are very well done.
See more at http://www.yourselffitness.com
January 05, 2005
Jan 5, 2005 Word of the Day
/kruhfts´m@n·ship /, n. [from cruft]
The antithesis of craftsmanship.
January 03, 2005
Happy New Year + Comet Machholz
There's a new comet passing by and I finally found a clear night to check it out. I went out about 9:15pm tonight, found the Pleiades and moved the binoculars down and to the right a couple fields-of-view. When moving, the "fuzzy blob" is fairly easy to notice. As usual these things are FAR more pretty in the pictures you can get online--it's just a grey, fuzzy blob in my binoculars. I couldn't see the tail from my light-polluted back yard.
The comet will be moving towards the Pleiades over the next couple days. Perhaps it will get a noticable tail. The finder chart from Sky & Telescope should help with locating. Just click here.
Although not that impressive, its a nice reminder of our tiny little place in the overall universe... Consider our solar system as a little bubble a light-year across (that's overly generous, but bear with me). Then consider that our galaxy is 100,000 of those little bubbles in diameter. It's something like a million bubbles to the next-closest galaxy. And there are billions of galaxies out there.
What a collosal waste of space if it is all created only for us.